dijous, 23 de desembre del 2010

Rock Salt lamps

As fast as the positive effects of rock salt are known by society, more people is acquiring a rock salt lamp in order to bring those benefits to their life.
Long time ago, rock salt was a much appreciated good, however, now days seems a really simple good, easy to get.
In the long history humans have been discovering the benefits and uses for rock salt. Presently there has been a progress on the rock salt products demand, and one of the most beautiful products is the rock salt lamp.

The salt used to produce this lamp is produced in Himalaya; these huge mountains are situated in Pakistan.

This type of salt, can adapt multiple colors. And from all this colors, the one most popular between populations it’s the orange/ red one.

One of most interesting characteristics of these rock salt lamps is that they are considered natural air ionizers that can help in the cure of some breathing ills like asthma.

These rock salt lamps are suppose to have the power to clean the air and make a healthy environment around. Also they are well known for their power of cleaning the atmosphere from computer waves, that’s why a lot of companies use it in their offices.

There is also the suppose, that as a consequence of its health attributes, helps to improve your concentration and reduces the nervous tension and the exhaustion.

And the best thing is that rock salt lamps are really beautiful and fashionable, and they are also used in colors therapy and chromo therapy. It helps to have a nice rest to people who suffer insomnia.

It is recommended to use the rock salt lamp in the bedroom or in the office. If you have children would be great for them to have one in their room. Some people has one in their meeting room, in order to relax the atmosphere during a meeting.

Also many spas use it. The light that a rock salt emits, it’s really relaxing and comforting, that’s why they are used in many professional environments.

You can find more information on rock salt here.